Fairbairn Experimental Evolution Publications
Daphne J. Fairbairn, Publications featuring Experimental Evolution
Fairbairn, D. J. and D. A. Roff, 1990. Genetic correlations among traits determining migratory tendency in the sand cricket, Gryllus firmus. Evolution 44: 1787-1795.
Roff, D. A. and D. J. Fairbairn, 1993. The evolution of alternate morphologies: Fitness and wing morphology in male sand crickets. Evolution 47:1572-1584.
Reeve, J. P. and D. J. Fairbairn, 1996. Sexual size dimorphism as a correlated response to selection on body size: An empirical test of the quantitative genetic model. Evolution 50: 1927-1938.
Fairbairn, D. J. and D. E. Yadlowski, 1997. Coevolution of traits determining migratory tendency: correlated response of a critical enzyme, juvenile hormone esterase, to selection on wing morphology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10: 495-513.
Roff, D. A., Stirling, G. and D. J. Fairbairn, 1997. The evolution of threshold traits: A quantitative genetic analysis of the physiological and life history correlates of wing dimorphism in the sand cricket. Evolution 51: 1910-1919.
Roff, D. A., J. Tucker, G. Stirling, and D. J. Fairbairn, 1999. The evolution of threshold traits: effects of selection on fecundity and correlated response in wing dimorphism in the sand cricket. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12: 535-546.
Stirling, G., D. A. Roff, and D. J. Fairbairn. 1999. Four characters in a trade-off: Dissecting their phenotypic and genetic relations. Oecologia 120: 492-498.
Roff, D. A. and D. J. Fairbairn. 1999. Predicting correlated responses in natural populations: changes in JHE activity in the Bermuda population of the sand cricket. Heredity 83: 440-450.
Reeve, J. P. and D. J. Fairbairn, 1999. Change in sexual size dimorphism as a correlated response to selection on fecundity. Heredity 83: 697-706.
Stirling, G., D. J. Fairbairn, S. Jensen and D. A. Roff. 2001. Does a negative genetic correlation between wing morph and early fecundity imply a functional constraint in Gryllus firmus? Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 157-177.
Reeve, J. P. and D. J. Fairbairn. 2001. Predicting the evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14: 244-254.
Roff, D. A., Mostowy S. and D. J. Fairbairn. 2002. The evolution of trade-offs: Testing predictions on response to selection and environmental variation. Evolution 56: 84-95.