White fly field research (c) Ian Wright

Research Resources



Use these tools to explore NRS research and data sets. Resources include the NRS bibliography, reserve digital object identifiers (dois) that you can cite in papers, reserve GIS layers and climate data, and more.


Zotero Square

Bibliographic Database

Books, papers, and other publications about the NRS or based on research conducted at reserves. All UCNRS reserves use the Zotero tool to store and provide bibliographic research publications about research done on NRS reserves. Some listings provide the pdf of the published document. Please include the DOI number of your proposed entry when available.

Go to Database




Reserve Digital Object Identifiers logo

Reserve Digital Object Identifiers

We encourage you to add the DOI number of the appropriate reserve(s) to any publications resulting from your work within the reserve system.

Go to Reserve DOI




Reserve Research

Reserve Research

Find descriptions of current and former research projects by searching the NRS’s Reserve Application Management System (RAMS), which tracks reserve use.

Search RAMS




Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity logo

Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity 

KNB is an international repository intended to facilitate ecological and environmental research. Housing metadata gathered from studies conducted at field stations, laboratories, research sites, and individual researchers, KNB serves as the NRS's data registry.

Go to Website




Species Lists logo

Species Lists

The NRS and individual reserves maintain lists of plant, vertebrate, and arthropod species that have been collected or observed within reserve boundaries or have ranges that overlap the boundaries of the reserves.

Go to Species Lists




Geographic Information Systems logo

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Geographic and other mapping information about NRS reserves, including vegetation, soil, and other data layers. Reserve boundary layers exist as ArcInfo shape files and Google Earth KMZ files.

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Historic and Current Climate Data logo

Historic and Current Climate Data

Weather station environmental data collected from NRS weather stations can be downloaded from each reserve.

Go to Database




Data management tools icon

Data Management Tools

Open access policies are being adopted by a growing number of funders, including the National Science Foundation. Such policies require grant recipients to develop data management and dissemination plans, and provide access to metadata, datasets, and publications. These data management tools can help ensure that your data, research plans, specimen collections, and publications comply with this policy. 
Data Management Tools




 NRS Historical Archive Project logo

NRS Historical Archive Project

The University of California Natural Reserve System History & Archive Project seeks to inventory, preserve, and promote the use of documents and other materials that relate to the history of the NRS and the sites it encompasses throughout California.

Go to Archives




cabinet of curiousity logo

Cabinet of Curiosity

Aims to explore, collect, and visualize the vast amount of data describing our natural world.

Visit the site







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