Michael R. Rose, Publications featuring Experimental Evolution
M.R. Rose and L.D. Mueller. In press. Evolution and Ecology of the Organism. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
M.R. Rose, H.B. Passananti, and M. Matos, Editors. 2004. Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
M.R. Rose and G.V. Lauder, Editors. 1996. Adaptation. Academic Press, New York.
M.R. Rose. 1994. Evolutionary Biology of Aging, Revised Edition. Oxford University Press, New York.
M.R. Rose. 1991. Evolutionary Biology of Aging. Oxford University Press, New York.
M. Matos, P. Simões, A. Duarte, C. Rego, T. Avelar, and M.R. Rose. In press. Convergence to a novel environment - Comparative method versus experimental evolution. Evolution.
A.E. Williams, M.R. Rose, & T.J. Bradley. In press. The respiratory pattern in Drosophila melanogaster selected for desiccation resistance is not associated with the observed evolution of decreased locomotor activity. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.
A.K. Chippindale, J.A. Alipaz, and M.R. Rose. 2004. Experimental evolution of accelerated development in Drosophila. 2. Adult fitness and the fast development syndrome. In Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging (In press, M.R. Rose, H.B. Passananti, & M. Matos, Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
H. B. Passananti, D.J. Deckert-Cruz, A.K. Chippindale, B.H. Le, and M.R. Rose. 2004. Reverse evolution of aging in Drosophila melanogaster. In Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging (In press, M.R. Rose, H.B. Passananti, & M. Matos, Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
H.B. Passananti, K.A. Beckman, and M.R. Rose. 2004. Relaxed stress selection in Drosophila melanogaster. In Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging (In press, M.R. Rose, H.B. Passananti, & M. Matos, Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
D.J. Deckert-Cruz, L.M. Matzkin, J.L. Graves, & M.R. Rose. 2004. Electrophoretic analysis of Methuselah flies from multiple species. In Methuselah Flies: A Case Study in the Evolution of Aging (In press, M.R. Rose, H.B. Passananti, & M. Matos, Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
A.K. Chippindale, A.L. Ngo, & M.R. Rose. 2003. The devil in the details of life history evolution: Instability and reversal of genetic correlations during selection on Drosophila development. Journal of Genetics 82: 133-145.
J. P. Phelan, M.A. Archer, K.A. Beckman, A.K. Chippindale, T.J. Nusbaum, & M.R. Rose. 2003. Breakdown in Correlations During Laboratory Evolution. I. Comparative Analyses of Drosophila Populations. Evolution 57: 527-535.
M.A. Archer, J.P. Phelan, K.A. Beckman, & M.R. Rose. 2003. Breakdown in Correlations During Laboratory Evolution. II. Selection on Stress Resistance in Drosophila Populations. Evolution 57: 536-543.
M.R. Rose, M.D. Drapeau, P.G. Yazdi, K.H. Shah, D.B. Moise, R.R. Thakar, C. L. Rauser, & L. D. Mueller. 2002. Evolution of late-life mortality in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 56: 1982-1991.
H. Teotónio, M. Matos, & M.R. Rose. 2002. Reverse evolution of fitness in Drosophila melanogaster. J. of Evolutionary Biology 15: 608-617.
M. Matos, T. Avelar, & M.R. Rose. 2002. Variation in the rate of convergent evolution: adaptation to a laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura. J. of Evolutionary Biology 15: 673-682.
H. Teotónio & M.R. Rose. 2001. Perspective: Reverse evolution. Evolution 55: 653-660.
R. Kurapati, H.K. Brar Passananti, M.R. Rose, & J. Tower. 2000. Increased hsp22 RNA levels in Drosophila lines genetically selected for increased longevity. J. of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 55: B552-B559.
H. Teotónio & M.R. Rose. 2000. Variation in the reversibility of evolution. Nature 408: 463-466.
D.J. Borash, H. Teotonio, M.R. Rose, & L.D. Mueller. 2000. Density-dependent natural selection in Drosophila: Correlations between feeding rate, development time, and viability. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 181-187.
M.D. Drapeau, E.K. Gass, M.D. Simison, L.D. Mueller, & M.R. Rose. 2000. Testing the heterogeneity theory of late-life mortality plateaus by using cohorts of Drosophila melanogaster. Experimental Gerontology 35: 71-84.
M. Matos, M.R. Rose, M.T. Rocha Pite, C. Rego, & T. Avelar. 2000. Adaptation to the laboratory environment in Drosophila subobscura. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 9-19.
T.J. Bradley, A.E. Williams, & M.R. Rose. 1999. Physiological responses to selection for desiccation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. American Zoologist 39: 337-45.
T.J. Nusbaum & M.R. Rose. 1999. The effects of nutritional manipulation and laboratory selection on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 54A: B192-B198.
A.E. Williams, M.R. Rose, & T.J. Bradley. 1998. Using laboratory selection for desiccation resistance to examine the relationship between respiratory pattern and water loss in insects. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 2945-52.
A.K. Chippindale, A.G. Gibbs, M. Sheik, K.J. Yee, M. Djawdan, T.J. Bradley, & M.R. Rose. 1998. Resource acquisition and the evolution of stress resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 52: 1342-52.
M. Djawdan, A.K. Chippindale, M.R. Rose & T.J. Bradley. 1998. Metabolic reserves and evolved stress resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Physiological Zoology 71: 584-94.
A.K. Chippindale, J.A. Alipaz, H-W. Chen, and M.R. Rose. 1997. Experimental evolution of accelerated development in Drosophila. 1. Larval development speed and survival. Evolution 51: 1536-1551.
A.K. Chippindale, A.M. Leroi, H. Saing, D.J. Borash & M.R. Rose. 1997. Phenotypic plasticity and selection in Drosophila life-history evolution. 2. Diet, mates and the cost of reproduction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 10: 269-293.
D.J. Deckert-Cruz, R.H. Tyler, J.E. Landmesser & M.R. Rose. 1997. Allozymic differentiation in response to laboratory demographic selection of Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 51: 865-872.
M. Djawdan, M.R. Rose & T.J. Bradley. 1997. Does selection for stress resistance lower metabolic rate? Ecology 78: 828-837.
M.R. Rose. 1997. Toward an evolutionary demography. Pp. 96-107 In Between Zeus and the Salmon, the Biodemography of Longevity, C.E. Finch and K.A. Wachter, Eds. National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
A.E. Williams, M.R. Rose & T.J. Bradley. 1997. CO2 release patterns in Drosophila melanogaster: The effect of selection for desiccation resistance. Journal of Experimental Biology 200 615-624.
J. Shiotsugu, A.M. Leroi, H. Yashiro, M.R. Rose & L.D. Mueller. 1997. The symmetry of correlated selection responses in adaptive evolution: An experimental study using Drosophila. Evolution 51: 163-172.
M.R. Rose, A.K. Chippindale & T.J. Nusbaum. 1996. Laboratory evolution: the experimental wonderland and the Cheshire Cat Syndrome. In Adaptation. M.R. Rose & G.V. Lauder, Eds. Academic Press, New York.
T.J. Nusbaum, L.D. Mueller, & M.R. Rose. 1996. Evolutionary patterns among measures of aging. Experimental Gerontology 31:507-516.
A.K. Chippindale, T.J.F. Chu & M.R. Rose. 1996. Complex trade-offs and the evolution of starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 50:753-66.
A.K. Chippindale, D.T. Hoang, P.M. Service & M.R. Rose. 1994. The evolution of development in Drosophila melanogaster selected for postponed senescence. Evolution 48: 1880-1899.
A.M. Leroi, A.K. Chippindale & M.R. Rose. 1994. Long-term laboratory evolution of a genetic trade-off in Drosophila melanogaster. I. The role of genotype x environment interaction. Evolution 48: 1244-1257.
A.M. Leroi, W.R. Chen & M.R. Rose. 1994. Long-term laboratory evolution of a genetic trade-off in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Stability of genetic correlations. Evolution 48: 1258-1268.
A.M. Leroi, S.B. Kim & M.R. Rose. 1994. The evolution of phenotypic life-history trade-offs: an experimental study using Drosophila melanogaster. American Naturalist 144:661-676.
J.E. Fleming, G.S. Spicer, R.C. Garrison & M.R. Rose. 1993. Two dimensional protein electrophoretic analysis of postponed aging in Drosophila. Genetica 91: 183-198.
L.D. Mueller, J.L. Graves, & M.R. Rose. 1993. Interactions between density-dependent and age-specific selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Functional Ecology 7:469-479.
A.K. Chippindale, A.M. Leroi, S.B. Kim, & M.R. Rose. 1993. Phenotypic plasticity and selection in Drosophila life-history evolution. I. Nutrition and the cost of reproduction. J. Evol. Biology 6:171-193.
M.R. Rose, L.N. Vu, S.U. Park, & J.L. Graves. 1992. Selection for stress resistance increases longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. Exp. Gerontol. 27: 241-250.
J.L. Graves, E.C. Toolson, C. Jeong, L.N. Vu, & M.R. Rose. 1992. Desiccation, flight, glycogen, and postponed senescence in Drosophila melanogaster. Physiol. Zool. 65:268-286.
R.E. Lenski, M.R. Rose, S.E. Simpson, & S.C. Tadler. 1991. Long-term experimental evolution in Escherichia coli. I. Adaptation and divergence during 2000 generations. Am. Nat. 138: 1315-1341.
E.W. Hutchinson & M.R. Rose. 1991. Quantitative genetics of postponed aging in Drosophila melanogaster. I. Analysis of outbred populations. Genetics 127: 719-727.
E.W. Hutchinson, A.J. Shaw & M.R. Rose. 1991. Quantitative genetics of postponed aging in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Analysis of selected lines. Genetics 127: 729-737.
M.R. Rose, J.L. Graves, & E.W. Hutchinson. 1990. The use of selection to probe patterns of pleiotropy in fitness-components. Pages 33-46 in Insect Life Cycles: Genetics, Evolution, and Coordination, ed. by F. Gilbert, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
J.L. Graves & M.R. Rose. 1990. Flight duration in Drosophila melanogaster selected for postponed senescence. Pages 59-65 in Genetic Effects on Aging II (D.E. Harrison, ed.), Telford Press, Caldwell, N.J.
E.W. Hutchinson & M.R. Rose. 1990. Quantitative genetic analysis of Drosophila stocks with postponed aging. Pages 66-87 in Genetic Effects on Aging II (D.E. Harrison, ed.), Telford Press, Caldwell, N.J.
P.M. Service, E.W. Hutchinson, & M.R. Rose. 1988. Multiple genetic mechanisms for the evolution of senescence in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 42: 708-716.
P.M. Service, E.W. Hutchinson, M.D. MacKinley, & M.R. Rose. 1985. Resistance to environmental stress in Drosophila melanogaster selected for postponed senescence. Physiol. Zool. 58: 380-389.
M.R. Rose. 1984. Laboratory evolution of postponed senescence in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 38: 1004-1010.
M.R. Rose. 1984. Artificial selection on a fitness-component in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 38: 516-526.
M.R. Rose & B. Charlesworth. 1981. Genetics of life-history in Drosophila melanogaster. II. Exploratory selection experiments. Genetics 97: 187-196.
M. Rose & B. Charlesworth. 1980. A test of evolutionary theories of senescence. Nature 287: 141-142.